Tempest Guardian

Shadows of Time

Tempest Guardian Shadows of Time by Eric J Eleves is a gripping fantasy adventure that follows a group of heroes journeying through a world filled with time-bending powers, dark forces, and personal sacrifices to stop an ancient evil from destroying everything they love.

What readers say about the book

I read your book yesterday and really enjoyed it—different from my usual reads but engaging and leaving me curious for the next installment. A few thoughts: For a teen-to-twenties audience, consider keeping fighting/sex not too graphic. Reese, as a protector of good, shouldn’t always initiate fights with Kalabitti and seemed to give Catalina up too easily in the last chapter—perhaps Sahara could intervene with Sataro and Rylos to stop Kalabitti. Watch for word repetition and clarify who’s speaking to avoid overusing “he said/she said.” The glossary was helpful but tricky to follow at times. If it’s not yet in print, I’d be happy to share some proofreading notes. Great job—what an achievement!

Eleves combines the best of old-school fantasy with new, mind-bending ideas of time manipulation and moral dilemmas. World-building is very intricate and the plot constantly changes.

An imaginative story blending personal struggle with battles of superhuman proportions. I was drawn the most to the emotional depth of the characters and how they developed along with the intricate plot twists.

About the Author

EJ Eleves grew up in the little town of Cottage Grove, Minnesota. At Park Senior High School, where he would later graduate in 1985, he was taught the mechanics. He was still in high school. In Massachusetts, he came to be an auto mechanic. Fate had other things planned for him when a mutual friend, Cindy – eventually to become his wife entered his life. She got him overnight. Then six months later, they wedded. In 2004, EJ welcomed fatherhood with the arrival of his son, Colten.

EJ’s foray into storytelling was triggered by the bedtime stories he lovingly wove for Colton during his early years. Those precious moments ignited a desire within him to record those stories as Colton grew up and eventually shaped them into a book. EJ’s creation stands as testimony to the power of imagination, love, and unbreakable bonds of the family.




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